
PouchDB is the JavaScript database that brings the power of CouchDB to the browser. Built on the robust principles of CouchDB, PouchDB offers a flexible and intuitive solution for storing, syncing, and accessing data both online and offline.

With PouchDB, your team can develop real-time and offline-capable data synchronization across devices and platforms, ensuring that every user has access to their most important data, regardless of their connection status. This allows your team to focus on delivering exceptional user experiences where the ability to continue working despite network outages is crucial. Whether you’re building a web application, mobile app, or progressive web app, PouchDB seamlessly integrates into your development workflow, offering a hassle-free solution for managing complex data requirements.

PouchDB’s intuitive API and extensive documentation make it easy for developers of all skill levels to get up and running quickly. Plus, with its support for plugins and extensions, PouchDB can be easily customized to meet the unique needs of your project. It’s the perfect companion for a CouchDB-based backend, enabling you to build true, fully offline-capable and exceptionally robust web applications.

What is NoSQL and why do we like it so much?

NoSQL was developed with the rise of the internet as a response to the growing demand of big data storage, the necessity for agility and the ability to grow while staying online, which is a requirement for real-time applications. A few other terms to classify NoSQL would be: non-relational database, cloud database or Big Data database. CouchDB on its end can be categorized as a document oriented database.

What we treasure in NoSQL is its scalability, fault tolerance and availability, which makes it the high performance alternative to relational databases (RDBMS e.g.MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database).

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