
We are a bootstrapped company founded in 2014. We’ve grown as continuously as we’ve grown slowly and deliberately. We believe in making technology that works for as many people as possible, and we are dedicated members of the Open Source community.

Being independent gives us the freedom to focus our work on the projects we believe have the biggest impact. We are happy to be working with a decent number of amazing customers that share both our passion for accessible technology and our welcoming and inclusive work culture.

Our long-term customer relationships enable us to take ideas from inception into production and allow us to support our customers in all parts of the development lifecycle.

Our Expertise

Experience and the ambition to constantly think outside the box have led us to a great range of expertise in various fields. While Offline First is our core passion, Apache CouchDB is the database that makes our projects possible.

Open Source Development

As maintainers of and contributors to several large Open Source projects such as Apache CouchDB, we can safely say that we know our way around. If you depend on a package that needs work, or would like to Open Source some of your own software, for your own benefit as well as that of the public, we are the ones to help you.


We are the company that brought the Open Source project Hoodie to life. Hoodie is a backend providing user authentication, data persistence offline-sync out of the box. It can also be easily extended by using plugins. Its front-end friendly APIs empower user experience designers and developers to build entire applications, without being limited by back-end constraints. Hoodie pioneered Offline First design principles on the web. We designed and built the project while fostering an Open Source community that now helps to drive the project forward.

Release Automation & Dependency Management

Running our own products and releasing our own Open Source modules has led us to optimising and automating these processes to a high degree, culminating in the semantic-release, an Open Source tool for fully automated package publishing, as well as Greenkeeper, our service for managing npm dependencies which has now been migrated into Snyk. If you need help in either of these fields, we’re the ones to ask.
