SQS Instructions
Installation and Usage
The download is a zip file that includes detailed installation and usage instructions. The package will have a name like structured-query-server-[version]-[platform].zip
. Extract this, check the extracted content's checksum, and switch into its directory like so:
$ tar -xzvf structured-query-server-1.2.3-linux-x64.zip
$ shasum -a 256 --check build-structured-query-server-1.2.3-linux-x64/structured-query-server.sha256 ./build-structured-query-server-1.2.3-linux-x64/structured-query-server: OK
$ cd build-structured-query-server-1.2.3-linux-x64
Additional Support
We offer an additional support package for the Structured Query Server that goes beyond initial setup help and troubleshooting. If you’re embarking on a large, complex or critical project with Structured Query Server, please consider subscribing to our specialised SQS support offering, which will provide ongoing expert technical assistance for even the most challenging use cases.
Structured Query Server Support
Please consult our Terms of Service for Licence information.