
Case Study

FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders e.V.: Monitor for Gender Equality

For the non-profit association Fair Share for Women Leaders e.V. we contribute to the development of a data-based instrument, the FAIR SHARE Monitor. For the FAIR SHARE Monitor NGOs and foundations are surveyed (2022: 180) and based on the data collected, a ranking is made. It shows which of the organizations have a FAIR SHARE of women in leadership and which do not, yet. The organizations are listed by name and their respective development is systematically documented from year to year. Thanks to funding from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, this project is set to run for many years and we are happy to contribute.


Goal of the project was to evolve it from what was effectively a single-use campaign to a scalable, long-term solution that would work for years to come. This included:

  • Modifying and migrating the existing data structure in the database and backend
  • Adding and improving admin tooling so the staff could more easily and confidently communicate with organisations, as well as launch and monitor campaigns
  • Expanding the existing frontend to allow for more user journeys
  • Extending internationalisation capabilities
  • Refactoring of existing code with focus on long-term maintainability


Fair Share uses the Node.js CMS/backend Strapi with a Vue frontend.
